Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weight Loss Update: 03/21/12

Today's weigh in had me at 337.0 pounds, a drop of 5.0 pounds over the past two weeks.  That is about 0.7% of my body weight per week, short of my goal of 1% per week.   You may remember that I've been exceeding the 1% per week goal in the recent past and made some changes to steer it back towards 1%.  I guess I overshot!!  I am finding it amazing that little things can affect weight loss as much as they do.  I was honestly thinking I hadn't changed enough to steer things back towards 1% and now I have to steer it back the other direction! However, this still puts me ahead of the 1% per week mark as measured from February 8th, when I set the goal of 1% per week, so this "correction" brings me closer to the longer-term goal, for which I'm pleased.
 Still, it would have been nice to hit the 150 mark.  I'm almost tempted to weigh in again sometime in the next few days to make it "official", but I probably wont.  :)

 -Norm  aka John Smith

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Starch Solution

This is one of the videos that has had one of the biggest impacts on me.   I credit Dr. John McDougall for the bulk of my success with weight loss.  Anyone who wants to know about my weight loss needs to watch this video.  It's an hour and fifteen minutes long, so watch it when you have time.   For those who can't stream video there is a short introduction to Dr. McDougall's book of the same title, which you can read here:

-Norm  aka John Smith

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Looking Back: One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I was 134 pounds heavier than I am today!  Let's look at where I was one year ago, and what my mindset was.


March 13th, 2011

 I had a doctors appointment today.  My doctor has a new scale!  This one goes up high enough to weigh me, and it reports 476 pounds.   I have not weighed myself since October 2010, at another doctors office, when I weighed 486 pounds.  I've dropped 10 pounds in 6 months.
 I've been thinking a lot about food, health, and weight in these past six months.  I've honestly tried eating less.  I've been watching a lot of videos with my wife.  Videos about how scary and unhealthy our modern food production is.  I watched a video in December that really made an impression on me.  It was of Dr. Neal Barnard talking about reversing diabetes with a vegan diet.  I don't have diabetes, yet, but everything he said in the video made complete sense to me.  But I could never live without my meat, dairy, and butter!  I would have totally dismissed his entire presentation except he said in one part of the video that if we can't give up all the bad food, at least start adding in more good food.  Among the good foods he mentioned were whole grains.  This really struck a chord with me, as I have friends who do a lot with whole grains.  They buy all sorts of grains in bulk, grind their own flour from wheat, bake their own bread, make their own pasta, etc.   So in the past couple of months I have researched and purchased my own grain mill!!   Here is a picture of me with my brand new grain mill!!


This is where I started, one year ago!!  I started off unwilling to even consider giving up my meat and dairy, but I was willing to add in whole grains!  I started baking my own bread.  I started eating oats and barley for breakfast.  I continued to eat as much food as ever, but these changes alone caused me to start losing weight!!  At first about a pound a week, then more.  I'll chronicle all the changes in my diet that occurred along the way in future blog posts.    Note: In the picture above, notice my wedding ring.   I can no longer wear it on that finger without it falling off.

-Norm  aka John Smith

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weight Loss Update: 03/07/12

 In the two weeks since my last weigh-in I've lost exactly 10.0 pounds!!  Yay!!  That is ahead of my goal of losing 1% of my body weight each week.  By my quick math I have been losing an average of 1.4% of my body weight these past two weeks.
 I have made recent changes in my diet.  I am attempting a gluten free diet for a period of time, to see if that helps with my inflammation.  This has led me to eliminate some of the higher calorie dense foods in my diet, like bread and pizza.  In their place I'm eating more lower calorie dense foods, lowering my overall calorie intake.  In addition to this, I've increased my exercise level over the past few weeks.  Since I've not been gluten-free long enough to know if that will show any benefits, I don't want to tweak my diet at the current time.  That means the most obvious way to slow my weight loss and steer it more towards 1% per week is to reduce my exercise level.  So that's what I will do.  I've been walking a minimum of 4 miles every day with 2-4 days a week walking 5-8 miles.  I will reduce that to walking only 4 miles every day and possibly skipping exercise completely on Sunday.

Next weigh-in:  March 21, 2012.

-Norm  aka John Smith